Privacy Policy

Privacy / Protection of Personal Data

This Privacy, Protection of Personal Data (“Privacy Policy”) sets out:

  • The types of personal data (“Personal Data”) collected by KOZY HOLIDAY TURİZM TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (“Kozy Holiday”) on its activities conducted through the web site with the domain name, its sub-domains and its mobile applications and mobile web sites (collectively the “Kozy Holiday Platform”),
  • How the Personal Data are processed,
  • The purposes of processing the Personal Data,
  • Whether or not, or with whom Kozy Holiday may share these Personal Data,
  • Rights and legal remedies of users of the Kozy Holiday Platform and how these foregoing persons can exercise or enforce these rights and legal remedies,
  • Information on cookies

Information on the Protection of Personal Data

We hereby inform you that by virtue of the Turkish Law on the Protection of Personal Data no. 6698 (“Law no. 6698”); the Personal Data, types of which are provided herein, that are shared by users on the Kozy Holiday Platform will be:

  • processed and used,
  • recorded,
  • stored,
  • preserved,
  • edited,
  • re-arranged,
  • shared with institutions with which Kozy Holiday is legally required to do so and which are legally entitled to request such data from Kozy Holiday,
  • possibly; transmitted or assigned to third persons in Turkey or abroad subject to the conditions laid down by the Law no. 6698,
  • made available,
  • sorted,
  • classified,

on paper or electronically, under the conditions stipulated by this Privacy Policy.

Any reference to processing of personal data on or through the Kozy Holiday Platform by Kozy Holiday should be hereinafter understood as encompassing all of the immediately hereinabove-mentioned actions.

Data Controller Information


Address: Andifli Mah. Cumhuriyet Meydanı No: 18 07580 Kaş Antalya Turkey

Telephone: +905336355826

E-mail Address:

Trade Registry No.: XXXX registered with the Trade Registry Office of Kumluca

Tax Office and Tax ID No.: XXXX


Types of Personal Data

Kozy Holiday, as the operator of the Kozy Holiday Platform, may request from users, once provided by them, process the following types of Personal Data:

  • Name, middle name, last name,
  • Date of birth,
  • Place of birth,
  • Mobile phone number,
  • Landline phone number,
  • E-mail address,
  • Sex,
  • Address,
  • Information that users have priorly shared with certain social networking and social media platforms if such user signs up or logs in to the Kozy Holiday Platform through such social networking or social media platform,
  • Payment information including, credit card/debit card/bank card holder’s name, card number, validity term, security number, account number and other information necessary to carry out the payment through the third party payment service provider.

Purposes of Processing Personal Data

Kozy Holiday may request the above types of Personal Data from users and once provided by the users, collect and process them for purposes of:

  • improving the performance, functions, embettering user experience, providing a better service to users of the Kozy Holiday Platform, including statistical works;
  • compliance with the Law no. 6698; additionally and especially with the Article 4/II-d of the Law no. 6698 stipulating that Personal Data should be kept for the duration necessary so as not to compromise the purpose of processing or for the duration foreseen by the relevant legislation/regulation;
  • compliance with the Law no. 5651 Regulating Broadcasting in the Internet and Fighting Against Crimes Committed through Internet Broadcasting and the secondary and implementing rules regulated based thereupon;
  • compliance with the Law no. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce and the secondary and implementing rules regulated based thereupon;
  • compliance with the Turkish Penal Code no. 5237 and other to-date-applicable penal and criminal laws:
  • compliance with the information exchange, information preservation, record keeping, information transmission and reporting requests of administrative and governmental bodies, authorities and institutions, be it a regulatory administrative act or measure or an individual administrative request, act or order; pertaining to your Personal Data.

Legal basis on which your Personal Data are processed (Lawfulness of Processing)

Processing of your Personal Data, subject to this Privacy Policy, is based upon:

  • Your explicit consent (Article 5/I of the Law no. 6698); or
  • In the existence of one of the below conditions, without your explicit consent:
    • If processing of your Personal Data is explicitly required under laws (Article 5/II-a of the Law no. 6698);
    • In cases where (Article 5/II-b of the Law no. 669):
      • you are unable to express your explicit consent because it is factually impossible, or
      • your consent or your declaration of consent cannot be considered to be legally valid


  • processing of your Personal Data is necessary for the protection of your or a third person’s life or bodily integrity;
  • Processing of your Personal Data is necessary to the extent the same is connected with the execution of the agreement or performance of the duties under the Membership Agreement, Distance Sales Agreement and the Preliminary Information Form consented to on or through Kozy Holiday Platform (Article 5/II-c of the Law no. 6698);
  • Processing of your Personal Data is mandatory in view of Kozy Holiday’s compliance with its legal duties (Article 5/II-ç of the Law no. 6698);
  • The Personal Data processed or to be processed is already made publicly available by yourself (Article 5/II-d of the Law no. 6698);
  • Processing of your Personal Data is mandatory for the institution, exercise or protection of a right (Article 5/II-e of the Law no. 6698);
  • For legitimate benefits of Kozy Holiday, provided that processing of your Personal Data does not injure your fundamental rights and liberties (Article 5/II-f of the Law no. 6698).

Your Rights About Your Personal Data

You have the rights to query Kozy Holiday about or request from Kozy Holiday:

  • Whether your Personal Data are processed,
  • If your Personal Data are processed, information about the processing of your Personal Data,
  • Purposes of processing your Personal Data and whether your Personal Data are used in compliance with these purposes,
  • Whether or not and in the affirmative to whom your personal data is transferred in Turkey and abroad
  • If the processing of your Personal Data is mistaken or missing, correction of the same,
  • Request the deletion, destruction or anonymization of your Personal Data in accordance with Article 7 of the Law no. 6698 and the Regulation on the Deletion, Destruction and Anonymization of Personal Data,
  • If the analysis of the processed Personal Data of yours results in a negative outcome for you, you may object to such result,
  • The compensation of any damages you have incurred because of the unlawful processing of your Personal Data.

If you have any of the the above-listed queries especially; and any other query enumerated under Articles 10 and 11 of the Law no. 6698, you may communicate them to Kozy Holiday:

  • on paper, by post to the address “Andifli Mah. Cumhuriyet Meydanı No: 18 07580 Kaş Antalya Turkey”;
  • through your registered electronic mail or via your e-mail address that you have priorly disclosed with Kozy Holiday and which is kept in Kozy Holiday’s records to “
  • via secure electronic signature, mobile signature or via a software or application that is designed for purposes of your query: especially through the messaging from on or

In your query:

  • Your name and surname, and – if your query is on paper – your signature in wet-ink,
  • If you are a Turkish citizen, your ID no., – if you are a foreign national – your passport no. or if any, your ID no.,
  • Your address,
  • Your e-mail address, telephone number and if any, fax number,
  • Subject of the query

must be given.

Information relevant to the subject of the query should be annexed thereto.

As per Article 5/IV-V of the Communiqué governing the Procedures and Principles of Querying the Data Controller; the date, which shall be deemed as the date of query, is  the day on which the query has been received by Kozy Holiday.

Handling of your queries by Kozy Holiday

Kozy Holiday will either accept or reject the query by informing you of the grounds thereof. Kozy Holiday’s reply will be in written on paper or electronically.

Kozy Holiday’s reply will include the information that the concerned data subject has given while introducing his/her/its query, subject of the query, its explanations regarding the query.

Your queries will be handled as soon as possible and within 30 days as of the date of query at the latest.

In accordance with Article 7 of the the Communiqué Governing the Procedures and Principles of Querying the Data Controller, Kozy Holiday may charge you in the amount of TRY 1.-/page for each page after the first ten pages if Kozy Holiday is to reply to your query on paper, unless your query arises from Kozy Holiday’s errors. If Kozy Holiday is to reply to your query on an electronic medium such as a CD, flash disk, etc., the amount charged by Kozy Holiday will not exceed the cost of the electronic medium on which the reply is recorded.

Besides information requests, if your query pertains to a demand requesting action from the side of Kozy Holiday and if the same is accepted by Kozy Holiday; such demand will immediately be complied with and you will be informed thereof.

Under Article 4/II of the Communiqué Governing the Procedures and Principles of Querying the Data Controller; the Data Subjects can benefit from the right to enquire and address requests only if their enquiries are made in Turkish. However, Kozy Holiday may also respond to your enquiries made in other languages.

Personal Data Retention Period

In addition to Kozy Holiday’s record keeping obligations resulting from the applicable laws, such as those applying on commercial books, inventories, opening balance sheet, financial statements, annual reports, commercial letters and correspondences, documents required to be kept under Tax Procedure Code (records, invoices, receipts of liberal professions, entries and vouchers concerning wages), employee records and documents; Kozy Holiday keeps the following data of yours, which do not fall under record keeping obligations posed by any other applicable law, for the period stated here-under:

  • Pursuant to the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages; Kozy Holiday shall keep:
    • the records pertaining to communication consents for the duration of 1 year as of the end of the period for which the consent is valid
    • other records relating to commercial electronic messages for the duration of 1 year as of the recordation date
  • Pursuant to the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce; Kozy Holiday shall keep the electronic records relating to electronic commerce transactions for a period of 3 years as of the transaction date

After the end of the foregoing record keeping periods, Kozy Holiday erases, destroys or anonymizes your Personal Data and informs you thereof.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files, sent to your browser who access

These files provide technical communication between and your browser and are stored in the browser even when you are offline. Cookies are necessary for the continuity of your processes and online activities; the well-functioning of and for the retention of your web preferences. Cookies may also serve as a tool for obtaining statistical information on the duration of a session, in what services you are interested and your ad preferences.

You may change their cookie preferences or block cookies on your browsers at any time. However, blocking cookies may affect the functioning of on your web browser.

You accept and declare your explicit consent for the processing of your personal information through the use of cookies within the scope of the Privacy Policy by adhering to this Privacy Policy.

Data Security

In accordance with Article 12 of the Law no. 6698, Kozy Holiday shall take all necessary technical and organizational measures for providing an appropriate level of security in order to:

  • Prevent unlawful processing of Personal Data,
  • Prevent unlawful access to Personal Data,
  • Safeguard Personal Data.

Kozy Holiday’s obligations set out in this paragraph are limited with the processing of personal data obtained on the Kozy Holiday Platform. Kozy Holiday is not responsible for privacy policies of third parties which may be addressed to by external links provided by Kozy Holiday or the users on the Kozy Holiday Platform.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be changed by Kozy Holiday at any time if necessary. Provisions of the Privacy Policy with the changes shall be binding starting from the moment it is presented to you by any means.

Applicable Law, Choice of Jurisdiction

This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Privacy Policy shall be settled by the Courts and Enforcement Offices in Kaş.

Communication Consent

By adhering to this Privacy Policy, you accept that Kozy Holiday may collect, store, process, use and transmit to third persons with whom Kozy Holiday has entered into a contractual relationship, your Personal Data that you have consented to share with Kozy Holiday, for purposes of providing you with various benefits and promotion, advertisement, sales, marketing, surveying specific to you, through phone, SMS, e-mail and similar means..

Follow Us


Head Office:+905454486607

Reservation Office:+905336355826

Kozy Holiday Tourism Travel Agency is a member of Turkey Ministry of Tourism with TÜRSAB A-10797 registration number.

All content on the Kozy Holiday site is copyrighted. It may not be used or copied in a printed or electronic environment without permission. By using Kozy Holiday you agree to the Privacy Policy.