How can I cancel my reservation?

  • Customer may change the rental dates in accordance with the availability of the accommodation. In case of change, Customer accepts and acknowledges to pay a transaction fee of TRY 2000. It is not possible to change the rental dates within 30 days prior to the date on which Customer will start to use the accommodation.
  • Rental cancellations shall be made in writing or by e-mail. Upon your cancellation notice, the accommodation which was booked in your name shall be made available again for the duration of the cancelled rental period and listed.
  • In cancellations made within 30 days or more, prior to the commencement of the stay at the accommodation, 50% of the payments made upfront will be returned to Customer, after deduction of the banking transaction expenses.
  • If, a cancellation made within 30 days or more, prior to the commencement of the stay at the accommodation is proceeded within the first 48 hours starting from the moment when the booking is made, the total amount of the payments made upfront will be returned to Customer, after deduction of the banking transaction expenses.
  • In cancellations made within less than 30 days prior to the commencement of the stay at the accommodation, the payments made upfront will not be returned to Customer.
  • However, after the rental cancellation, the subject accommodation is booked by another customer; the portion of the accommodation price as set out under Article 2, matching with the days for which the subsequent booking is made will be returned to Customer; after deduction of the banking transaction expenses.
  • In the event Customer does/do not initiate his/her/their stay at the accommodation, her/his/their payments will not be returned. So long as a written rental cancellation is not proceeded through e-mail by Customer, this rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement continues to have effect and this Agreement shall not be deemed as rescinded or terminated. Even if Customer refrains from entering into or using the accommodation, without having proceeded with cancelling the rental in writing and through e-mail; Kozy Holiday keeps the accommodation available for Customer’s use for the duration of the rental and Customer’s obligation to pay the price as set out under this Agreement continues to be valid.
  • Kozy Holiday reserves its right to cancel the rental due to the occurrence of unforeseen events such as water or electricity shortage, earthquake and similar catastrophes. In such cases, we are liable to return all of the payment made upfront. However, our company will endeavor to offer alternative accommodations which meet the conditions of the accommodation subject to rental cancellation at Customer’s request thereof. Customer may accept one of the offered alternative accommodations, may rent the same accommodation for another available time period or request the return of the payment.

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Head Office:+905454486607

Reservation Office:+905336355826

Kozy Holiday Tourism Travel Agency is a member of Turkey Ministry of Tourism with TÜRSAB A-10797 registration number.

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